Virtual Online Meeting!
There are three stages of foreclosure to target to buy a property: Pre-Foreclosure, at the Foreclosure, and after the Foreclosure.MAREI is hosting a workshop on the 23rd of September where you can learn how to deal with the After Foreclosure or the Real Estate Owned stage. You can look to the courthouse steps to buy at foreclosure.But if you are looking at Pre-Foreclosure, you are most likely going to be dealing with a Short Sale.MAREI Member and real estate investor David Randolph is holding 3 - 2 hour sessions, virtually and the best part is it's FREE.Join David to learn
- What is a Short Sale
- Why you should be doing Short Sales
- How to Get Short Sales to Work
- Where You Find Sellers to Help
- What to Say and Give to the Banks and the Sellers
Get all the details and register here.
The best three things about this workshop - It's FREE, It's Recorded so you can get the Replay (for a limited time), and David is a member of MAREI and at the meetings regularly, so you can get with him for follow up at meetings.
Note the FREE Replays are only going to be posted for those who register for a limited time, so be sure if you miss one day to watch the replay ASAP.